Revitalize Your Spirit

Future Development

Park History

In 2007 the Wikwemikong Department of Lands and Resources began a project at Point Grondine to construct a campground that would capitalize on the overflow from Killarney Provincial Park.  Several primitive campsites, trails and a cordwood building were constructed. The Point Grondine Park lies within the central interior of Point Grondine and has been identified in the Point Grondine Land Use Plan commissioned by the Wikwemikong Department of Lands and Resources. The proposed Park has been the vision the WDLNR to protect the land and resources of Point Grondine from future exploitation from forestry and other natural resource extraction. The Park Management Plan will comprise of multi-departmental partnerships within the Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory administration with current training and mentorship opportunities to be available within the Killarney Provincial Park. In 2016, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Killarney Provincial Park by providing insight into the operation of a busy and diverse operating park to Wikwemikong First Nation members.

The Wikwemikong Development Commission through Wikwemikong Tourism adopted the project in 2012 and began the business planning for a phased development model that would open 18,000 acres as backcountry wilderness park and planning on the Campground & Eco Resort.

Point Grondine Campground & Eco Resort

The Eco Resort and Campground will be an off grid 65-site campground with Eco Cabins, full-service gate house/comfort station and discovery center. Construction began in June 2023 with the first 12 campground sites, 2 Privies and Eco Cabin,  a temporary gatehouse and completion of a new road, 200m from Mahzenazing Lake. Development will continue in 2025 to complete Phase 2 with construction of the Gatehouse/Comfort station, additional solar infrastructure, discovery center, Eco Cabins and additional campground sites.  Stay tuned as development progresses in 2025.