Begin your adventure by paddling through the Mazhenzaning River to Wemtagoosh Falls. A short portage at the falls will take you south to Lyle Lake making your way to Mill Lake via three hundred sixty (360m) meter portage. At Mill Lake paddlers can head east to Beaverstone Lake where campsites are situated throughout the east coast of Point Grondine down to Georgian Bay. Backcountry permits must be purchased for any sites within the Point Grondine Park boundary. If camping on Philip Edward Island, information on Crown Land Camping can be accessed by the Ministry of Natural Resource website.
$15.00 per person/per night
Coastal Camping Permits must be purchased if you are staying within Point Grondine boundaries. Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory requests that you use these designated sites if you happen to be traveling along the Georgian Bay Coastline and need to set up camp.
Sites Available: CC5, CC7, CC8 (GPS Coordinates will be Provided)
NOTE: Coastal Campsite permits are on a “Per Person/Per Night” basis. Coastal Campsite permit is valid from the time it is issued until 2:00.p.m on the departure date is shown on the permit. Additional vehicle parking option will be available when booking through our booking widget. By purchasing this permit you acknowledge the nature of the activities you are undertaking and the risks, which may be determined by, but are not limited to, your physical condition, clothing and personal equipment, tools used, terrain, weather, distance traveled during the event, other participants, and voluntarily assume the risk of injury, death and property damage to yourself and others.