Revitalize Your Spirit

About Us

Message From Ogimaa Duke Peltier – Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory

The Anishinaabek people of Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory have lived on Manitoulin Island and Killarney Region since time immemorial. The village of Wiikwemkoong is on the eastern portion of the island and along the beautiful and pristine shores of Georgian Bay. Our vibrant community expresses its Anishinaabek culture through several events that draws visitors from all over the world. Some of those events include the annual cultural festival, fall fair, ice fishing derby, traditional pow-wow, and indigenous theatre in the ruins of a historic Church.

I invite you all to visit Wiikwemkoong and, also, our beautiful Point Grondine Park which is situated near Killarney, Ontario. Enjoy the wilderness through one of our many private and community operated tourism services. Our land base provides plenty of opportunities for a both a wilderness experience and to enjoy the culture of our people.

Point Grondine Park is operated as a recreational park and has over 18,000 acres of scenic natural wilderness landscape, old growth pine forest, stunning river vistas and eight interior lakes explore. The picturesque water trails flowing along the coast of Georgian Bay invite you to many canoe routes, hiking trails and backcountry campsites located throughout the interior of the Park. Hike, canoe or sea kayak along the traditional routes of the Anishinaabek people and be ready to be captivated by this historic and majestic place.

We look forward to having you as our guests!



Choose your route wisely and embark on a trip that meets your skills.  Plan beforehand how to deal with emergencies such as equipment failure, lost food or an injury.  Leave a copy of your itinerary with a contact person. Due to COVID-19, we are eliminating any contact with Trail Guardians.  Carry a first aid kit with you at all times and be familiar with the contents. Become proficient using a map and compass before you leave.  Always carry extra rations, clothes, the proper safety gear and knowledge to use it.

The Wikwemikong Unceded Territory understands the importance of sustainable tourism and asks that you respect our lands, wildlife, and the people. Be mindful that Point Grondine is still used by our members and that you stay on the trail and respect our cultural sites. The Point Grondine territory is a spiritual place that must be treated with the utmost respect as our ancestors have always done. If you come in contact with historical artifacts we ask that they remain in Point Grondine and that you notify park staff of the location. Together we must ensure that the beauty of Point Grondine is protected for future generations to enjoy.

Respect the wilderness that lies herein, please note tripping during the months of September to October means that’s its harvest time for our hunters and gatherers. Although most of the Park is located in safe zones you may find hunters close to the trailhead at Highway 637.  After your trip, please check in at the trailhead by either signing the guest book with your check out time and/or comments of your experience or send a notification (email/text) to Trail/Park staff, so that they’re aware of your safe return.

Miigwetch and enjoy your visit.